Native cross-platform mobile applications with one code base

Nowadays, just about everyone carries a smartphone around with them, enabling interactive touchpoints with their customers, both on the road and at home. We develop inspiring cross-platform mobile apps for you, which bind your customers to you in the long term.

Mobile applications that bring value

Have you ever downloaded an app where you thought to yourself "I'm never going to use this again?". We make sure that doesn't happen. Not every business needs an app and not every idea should be turned into one. Together with you, we verify whether there's an actual need for your app and if there is - we try to make it as valuable and usable to your customer as possible.

Stylish, colorfull mobile app mock up
mobile apps

Mobile app design

Design is the first big step on the way to the go-live of your mobile app. At the center of the design process stands the end consumer. Your customer. We make sure to design ergonomic, visually appealing and intuitive mobile apps.

What’s included in the mobile app design service:

  • User research

  • User experience (UX)

  • User interface (UI)

  • Branding & Styleguide

  • Iconography and illustration

  • MVP / clickable prototype

  • User testing

Mobile app development

We develop mobile apps with the cross-platform framework Flutter from Google. This allows us to develop stunning native iOS and Android apps in no time. Moreover, from the same codebase, a web app and even a desktop app can be created directly.

What’s included in the mobile app development service:

  • Database modelling / schema

  • Backend set-up incl. user authentication

  • UI Design in Flutter

  • App Testing / Debugging

  • Deployment to App Store and Play Store

Screenshots of FlutterFlow Development to represent Mobile app development

We focus on the important stuff to make your app perfect

Illustration of smartphone UI/UX

Easy usability and accessability

We are experienced in building visually appealing and user friendly applications, while also making sure your app is meeting today’s accessibility norms and standards.

Illustration of cross-platform, native mobile apps

Cross platform, native mobile apps

Nothing is more frustrating than finding a cool app and then noticing it’s not available for your device. We make sure that does not happen and build your app for Apple iOS and Android.

Illustration of user centricity

User-centric app development

Our solutions focus on the needs and pain points of the end-user. Therefore, we conduct a variety of research before and during the development process, such as user interviews or A/B tests.

How we work

Number 1 (high transparent)Illustration of a meeting

Meeting / workshop

In a meeting or workshop we define your needs and wishes for the upcoming project. Based on this step, you will receive a detailed offer as well as a project roadmap.

Number 2 (high transparent)Illustration of a user map

User journey

Based on the meeting/workshop with your team, we create a user journey. The user journey shows us the interactions a target user will have with the app and will help us in the further project process.

Number 3 (high transparent)Illustration of a wireframe


After defining the user journey, we go on to create a wireframe of your app which is a schematic framework of the app to be developed.

Number 4 (high transparent)Illustration of smartphone UI/UX

Prototyp (Mock up)

We then go on to create a design mockup of your future application on the basis of the wireframe. This gives you a chance to see what your app will/could look like.

Number 5 (high transparent)Illustration of a person with a smarphone

User testing

With the high fidelity mockup developed in the previous project step, we will conduct user testing to make sure the user flow is clear, the design applies to the users needs and no functions are missing.

Number 6 (high transparent)Illustration of mobile app development

App development

After your final “go”, we develop your app and before going-live, conduct performance and functionality checks. Of course, after going live with the app, we won't just abandon you. We continuously support you on your journey with your new app.

You’ve got the questions.
We’ve got the answers.

Well, at least some of them. If you don’t find the answer you’re looking for here, then please don’t hesitate to reach out.
We’d love to hear from you.

For which smartphone operating system can you develop mobile apps?

Our solutions are always cross-platform. This means that the apps are always optimized for Android and Apple iOS.

Are your mobile apps native?

Yes, we develop native apps using Flutter, which allows us to create high-performance, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. However, it's important to note that not every project requires a native mobile app. In many cases, we opt to create Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) instead.

How long does it take to develop a mobile app?

It very much depends on the size and complexity of the project. Therefore, unfortunately, we can not give an exact indication.

But you are welcome to contact us and we can discuss the project over coffee.

Get in touch with us

Let’s get to know each other and collaborate.
We’re pretty uncomplicated - contact us any way you’d like or fill out the form.
We’ll get back to you asap.

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